Learning Torah links
- www.learntorah.com – Thousands of audio and video classes online in every subject. The site’s primary goal is to allow users to search for shiurim by rabbi, category, sub-category, class title, or keyword. Listen to the class for free while at the computer in streaming WMA format.
- www.echok.com – Chok LeYisrael, The Daily learning of Torah Neviim Ketuvim Mishnah Gemarah and Halacha with English translation.
- www.dailyhok.com – Audio lesson on each day’s Chok and PDFs by Rabbi Eli Mansour
- http://hebrewbooks.org – Almost 50,000 books that can be downloaded free
- www.yutorah.org – Yeshiva University’s Torah online site
- www.beverlyhillschabad.com/torah-reading/TORAH-MENU.HTM – Online Tikun Korim and Torah Reading ( Ashkenaz)
- www.mechon-mamre.org – Here you will find the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and the Rambam’s Complete Restatement of the Oral Law (Mishneh Torah): Together these give G-d’s full guidance for both Jews and Gentiles in all times and places detailing what God expects us to do and not do. Both online and offline Bible and Mishneh Torah texts have been carefully prepared and are as accurate as the finest printed editions.
To calculate the Hebrew date for a yahrzeit, use these links:
Aish HaTorah, Chabad, Shamash, or HebCal
Links for audio learning
- torahmedia.com
- aishaudio.com
- 613.org
- www.simpletoremember.com – Handpicked Videos, MP3s and articles
Machasit HaShekel
Other links
Some of David Bibi’s favorite sites:
- www.aish.com
- torah.org
- www.chabad.org – Chumash with Rashi
- dailytehilim.com – Tehilim with Hebrew and English text. Audio files and commentaries and Tehilim guide
- www.dailyhalacha.com – More than a thousand halachot in print and MP3 format from Rabbi Eli Mansour
- www.emishnah.com – The Mishnah with commentary based on Rabbeinu Ovadiah M’Bartenurah with English translation
- www.mishnaberura.com – Daily Mishna Berura with text and audio class
- www.pizmonim.org – This organization was founded in September 2002 with the goal of preserving the liturgical traditions of the Sephardic Middle Eastern Jewish community. Thousands of recordings.
Daf Yomi Links:
- www.dailygemara.com – daf yomi audio and text
- www.dafyomi.co.il
- www.dafyomi.org
- www.e-daf.com
- www.ouradio.org
- www.dafyomireview.com – daf yomi and much more
Other useful links:
- www.kashrut.org – Kashrut and Halachic questions based on Rabbi Abadi
- www.ou.org – Billed as the world’s largest Jewish resource
- www.naaleh.com – Naaleh aims to provide Jewish individuals of all ages and diverse backgrounds an opportunity to watch and learn from stimulating online Torah and Jewish video classes and shiruim, and to share ideas and ideals with others, in order to grow stronger in their service of G-d.